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Neil Hargreaves


Profile:Ever since I realised, as a student deep in the mists of time, that compared to working in a warehouse in previous years, I could earn about the same money chatting, entertaining and taking to discos assorted Finns and Germans from EF, I have been involved in EFL/ESL as a profession and as a passport to stays in a range of places: Germany (Cologne, Frankfurt), Saudi Arabia (Dhahran/Al Khobar), China (Jinan), Poland (Warsaw) and Japan (Kanazawa) - as well as Brighton (Eurocentres) and my present job; I also examine for CAE and CELS for UCLES. I have sadly failed to write this "public profile" all in one expansive sentence, but if anyone dimly remembers me from any of the above, or indeed various conferences or workshops or seminars, then please get in touch...
