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Bronwyn Miller


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Profile: I have worked in several countries; however primarily in Hong Kong, Germany, Australia and China. The focus of my work in the last decade has been developing academic skills for students to be successful in their tertiary studies.

In my position in China: key skills required for academic education: writing academic essays; report writing; describing economic trends; writing summaries; note taking; reading and listening skills; study skills and presentation skills were assessed primarily through group projects. For example in Shanghai students develop a business report followed by a power point presentation on their company. . I have been responsible for the design and successful delivery of a number of projects from designing the project to delivering the required outcomes, identifying milestones, recruiting and managing the project team, monitoring progress and revising the project plan where necessary.

I am a confident public speaker with wide experience of giving presentations, chairing meetings and running training events. Throughout my career I have been keen to broaden my scope in EFL teaching and have undertaken to learn about and successfully deliver a wide spectrum of English courses. For example, I researched and developed a Cross Cultural Communication Course that focused on awareness of cultural differences in negotiation styles and ran short courses at the German Development Service in Berlin for volunteers going to Africa.
